Sunday, August 29, 2010

13 days.

my visa should be here tomorrow. i am so excited! i'll be leaving for ukraine on september 11th. it doesnt get any more real than this. God is awesome!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i will get on that plane. september 11th (or earlier). my invitation should be sent. now it's time to just pray. this whole fundraising thing has been such a faith building experience. but now i know that whatever i need will be provided. i'm not even scared! it seems as though the only thing on my mind is the next 8 months. i cant go 5mins of not thinking about it. only 17more days.

but there is so little time.

i am beginning to think of all the things that need to be prepared, and quite frankly, i dont have them. i am so excited to go, but i am so swamped with stuff to do. i would love to just clear my schedule. take a break! i'm not so used to this planning stuff. either way, i am super pumped to go! i will be sending out updates while i'm there. please pray for me!