Sunday, June 6, 2010


you cut me down, and you raise me up. i don't get it. you are love, yet you contradict yourself. love does not fight. but you call us to fight. you call us to make war. i am at war. i am at war with everything inside me. you say that what's right, feels wrong and what's wrong feels right. you confuse me. why cant i just be like you? how hard can it be? but you, you were; you are perfect. i strive to be the person you call me to be. but i feel myself working towards perfection with the same motivation that i work towards anything. minimal. you have given me a life, a family, everything that i could ask for. and i cant return a simple calling. God, intervene. take what's yours. my life, my all, my everything. i am yours. intervene.

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