Wednesday, June 16, 2010


i just finished writing the rough draft of my fundraising letter. here's to a long process just started! i am so excited that this is all actually happening. God is so awesome! it's times like this when i feel like jumping up and down and telling EVERYONE how amazing he is.
although while this is all so excited i am nervous. i have just begun to realize how much of a faith building process this fundraising thing is. God, i'm counting on you. i dont expect you to let me down.


it is all going to be alright. take a moment and pray. thank you, God for everything that you have done. you are the best. YOU WILL PROVIDE.

1 comment:

  1. He will be there with you throughout the process. He loves you and wants you to totally depend on him. I'm looking forward to helping you finalize your letter and get it out there!
