Tuesday, March 22, 2011

moving on.

its been a long time since i have written anything here. i think it could have to do with the fact that i had unreliable internet. nonetheless, three months have passed. i have lived in a city called vinnytsia with five other DTS students. we worked primarily with orphans. it was an indescribable experience.. had its ups and downs, but i will never ever forget it.
then.. i graduated DTS on march 17th 2011. its over. i am done with DTS. i still dont really know how to feel about it. i made so many friends, had so many experiences that will stick with me for the rest of my life, i learned so many things, i am just at a loss for words of how to describe this feeling.

moving on.

now i'm sitting in my dad's office in donetsk, ukraine. i am here working with hime for the next week. with youthreach international (the organization my dad works for). he is doing some "business stuff'' here which includes visiting orphanages and trade schools.

we will be heading out on sunday, back to kyiv.. and then to catch our plane through hungary and into dublin, ireland. where we will spend a three day layover and then catch the plane back home to atlanta.
7 months flies by so fast. i dont know what to think. all i feel right now is the whiplash of looking back and seeing it all go away right in front of me.

i am ready to go home, and see friends, family, and everyone that i have been missing, but at the same time, i want to stay here and further my relationships with the kids. i love it here. i love the people, the culture.. and, well, everything.

i'll be back. i have to!

now i guess i should probably work on the "business" side of this. i still need $225 to go home. i dont know how it will come in, but im sure it will.. it always does.

off to write this email :)


  1. Throw some coins in the fountain! I have no doubt you will be back!

    In the meantime, we can hardly wait to see you!

    Big Hugs,
    MorMor and Grampa

  2. You are pritti and better Missionary=)
