Wednesday, December 15, 2010

it's a transitioning kind of time.

and here it is. the end of lecture phase. i dont know whether to be more excited or sad about this.. i have had so much fun for the past twelve weeks, and now i have another twelve to look forward too. sure, i had some ups and downs, and of course outreach phase will not be a walk in the park, but i have made it, and i will continue to make it!
about 20mins ago we, as a dts, held a fundraising night for our outreaches! i am not sure quite how much we made, but we had a good time doing it!
recent news has told us that the armenia team has had a change of plans. they will now all be flying into turkey, and then taking the second half for armenia and a slight possibility of ministering in Iran. (i am a little jealous about that one!)
anyway, i am packing my stuff away to be able to move in 6 days!
i am so excited!

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