Sunday, November 21, 2010

it's just nostalgia.

it's not like time is something that ever stops. this can get annoying. i feel as if my time is running away from me. who said that it could go so fast? that's not cool. i'm almost halfway through my dts. and it feels like it just started. how can that be? i really don't understand it.
maybe it's the fact that here, in ukraine, during the winter, the sun sets at about 430pm. the day isn't even close to being over when it is pitch black outside. it's pretty new for me.
but even with the lack of sun, i feel like i am being fast forwarded. time flies!
right now i am enjoying the flat all to myself. laundry done, room clean, homework done, book report finished, listening to cartel :), and with a hot cup of grape chai sitting next to me, being sipped at a slow pace. this is nice.
i feel accomplished.
i spent the whole weekend at arielle's flat. everyone had left, and only her and mahsa remained. for some reason, masha decided to spent the whole weekend in front of the television. i don't understand why. although, the all weekend long rainy weather didnt help much. (this is why my laundry is on a rack over the radiator right now).

i can't really tell why, well it is a mix of things, but right now i feel a bit nostalgic.
i have been keeping up with friends from the states, and in touch with my parents, and i am happy here, but i just feel like something is missing. i don't feel "homesick" necessarily, but i am not sure quite what this feeling is.
this time of year, i should be hearing the dreaded christmas music in the mall or any store that i walk into. cinnamon, apple, cider, and pine trees should be filling the air with their sometimes overwhelming smells. but instead, i am hearing russian, provocative, techno-pop music everywhere i go. the smell of mud, smoke, and an almost, "soviet-like" aroma fill my nostrils. the sound of cars, smokers cough, and the murmur of speech on public transportation break the silence here. my bed, dresser, and closet have been replaced with a mattress on the floor, a 1940's shkoff, and a total lack of free space.
i am not discontent with these things, rather, i actually like them. the artifacts that predate a couple generations, the intriguing culture around me, the ability to learn practical information, the chance to change my worldview. these things make me happy!
but still.
there is still a trace of not belonging. of being dragged out of my own comfort zone. of always missing friends, family, and the abundance of un-necessary luxuries!
..oh would i would give for a washer AND DRYER. or maybe ice to put in my drink. and FREE REFILLS anyone? having a car... oh, the luxuries that i have brought up with..
it's just nostalgia.


  1. It's interesting... the closer you get to the Lord, the more you realize that anywhere you are in the world is exactly like that. This world is not our home - we're all just missionaries visiting a place that where we pitch a tent for a little while and trust that something we say or do will have impact to grow the Kingdom. But more and more, we realize that we're just not at home here. We long for eternal life in heaven, where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. I think then, and only then, will we truly feel at home. In the mean time, let's continue to be good guests where we are, true ambassadors for the King of kings. And if we're lucky, we'll even get some ice and free refills. :)

  2. I'm feeling a bit of nostalgia myself.Of moments fleeting so fast you can't seem to enjoy the moment before the moment is gone into an interesting bit of memories pieced together by life's events. Went sailing this weekend, one of my favorite things to do, most of the people were the same, save one.. that would be you! Ironic I suppose you in Ukraine, Ruslan(being you) russian with Ukrainian descendants. We greatly enjoyed it, Ruslan was thrilled (probably more than you ever were) but as I sift through the pictures of this trip and mingle them with ones from the past, I am ever reminded of how truly fast time goes by. I treasure all these moments.. even more so later as I look back through photos, forgetting the struggles, the arguments, the hassles and remembering instead the smiles, the laughter the connection of family and friends. God gives us these gifts of time and memories to remind us how precious they are and how we should use them for His glory. Thanks for your words and your thoughts, they touched my heart. I do miss you, but I am so thankful for your experiences, may you treasure them all..the good ones, the difficult ones, the happy and sad, they will all be part of your life story. May God bless you richly today! I love you
