Saturday, November 13, 2010

corn chowder.

the remnants of home-made corn chowder makes this flat smell pretty good. i just can't believe that it came out alright. i mean, i just made corn chowder from scratch! (i am probably way too proud of myself right now). but it was good! i also made some pretty rockin ranch dip.. from scratch.. with no ranch! i'm in some legit shock. :).


tomorrow i will be visiting a different church. this is a vineyard church held on the boat, at the base. it is all in russian. but i am just excited to go and encourage Pasha!
Pasha is a student at Vaselkov (trade school), an orphan, and a new friend of mine. i've been priveledged to be able to go to Vaselkov twice a week to help out with the coffee house ministry! so there, i met pasha. he is spending the weekend with andrew and oksana ford, who are dts staff, and incredible people. they attend the vineyard church, and therefore are bringing pasha there tomorrow.

speaking of andrew and oksana ford.. they are going out to pioneer a new base in Vinitsa, Ukraine. which is..

there it is.

to be honest, at first i was kind of disappointed in the fact that i got picked to go to Vinitsa instead of Georgia. I had my heart and mind set on Georgia. But now i realize that the ministry being done in Vinitsa is more up my alley. and i am happy about that! not only do i get to spend outreach with the fords, but i get to work with orphans! and this, this is what i want to do :). how awesome!

as of now, i am exhausted.


  1. Praise God for blessing you with an outreach that He designed just for you. He knows you intimately, and knows what's best. I am thrilled that you're going there and will be praying for you. Love you!

  2. Praise God! His plans for our lives are always better than what we can come up with on our own. I am confident that you are going to be right where He wants you and it will be an awesome experience. I pray that God continues to lead you into a deeper dependence on Him and that you will be blessed beyond belief in this experience. They will be so lucky to have you!
