Saturday, October 30, 2010

it's not like i'm procrastinating or anything..

i should totally be cleaning right now.
i mean, i have all the rest of the day, right?
hahahahah. ohdear. i need help.
i am mentally exhausted.
nothing could have prepared me for this. wow. crazy stuff. that's for sure. i am learning things about myself that i never knew. it's kind of crazy. but it's okay. i can do this. yeah.
and now.
i'll clean.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetheart! I am so impressed at the early morning schedule - Wow! You may have inherited your non-morning person characteristic from MorMor. Given a choice I don't do mornings, however, I don't usually get a choice either! Wish I was there to clean up your room for you...I suppose it wouldn't help to tell you how good this is for your character? I am so proud of you Honey and all you are learning and doing! Hang in there. God Bless and Keep You! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Big Hugs!! Love you so much, MorMor
