Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i'm not so good at coming up with catchy titles..

it's been a great day. today started VERY slowly, with some free time :). it was nice. i got some much needed rest. that was followed by a super successful visit to the raduga internat (orphanage). i will definitely miss those kids when i leave this beautiful city. i dont know what it is, but whether you know any of the children or not, leaving ANY orphanage is not an easy thing to do. it's incredibly difficult. as of now, i am settling down for the night, playing in photoshop (i'm a bit of a photography nerd), and enjoyng some quality time with my dad. he took me out to eat! at a place which translated to three fat guys, hahaha! it was awesome. i am also not feeling my absolute best. i have had a sore throat and some cold symptoms. it is not exactly ideal. but i can make it. all in all, this trip is, so far, amazingly productive. i am satisfied!

Monday, September 20, 2010


i am independent. i am. i am. i am. but, if so, why do i miss my home so much? i swore i was not going to. i promised myself that i was going to start fresh. but i just cant throw the past away. as i am wasting my time in the most popular social networking site, facebook, i find myself reminiscing about the good times i have had. and. well. i miss them. i really do. i know that while i am here, new memories and friends will be made, but i cant bring myself to trash the life that i have temporarily left behind. this will not bring me down. i know that for sure. but i will never forget those who have shaped me into who i am. and i will never stop thanking you for the encouragement and support along the way.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


A simple smile. We take that for granted. Why wouldn't we smile? That's the question, right? Well how about this.. Why do we smile? We smile because someone said something funny. We smile because we are getting our picture taken. We smile because we are happy. So, what if your situation wasn't so funny, no one was there to take your picture, what if you were not happy? What then? Why would you smile? I sometimes wonder how I could bring myself to smile in those situations. Situations the same as those in the orphanages. Orphanages like the one I visited today. Today I went to the snezhnoya orphanage in snezhnoya, ukraine. There, I was greeted by 95 smiling faces. I was taken aback to how these children with practically nothing, could seem so content. But as I looked deeper into their eyes I could see it. Their faces were so full of hurt, sadness, and a need to belong. In such a situation I could not even imagine putting on such a normal facade. But then it hit me. I was there. I was a visitor! Something that these kids rarely get. In fact, in snezhnoya, these children are visited even less than most other orphanages in the country. This is because of their remote location. About 2 hours from the city of Donetsk (where i am currently staying). This visit meant the world to them. As my father, two other American men (Chuck and Tony), two Ukrainian mentors (Yasha and Alyona), and I visited these children, their world was different. The sadness and oppression was left behind. They were happy! I saw some of the biggest smiles, not on their mouths, but in their eyes. I know I can make a difference. I have been told all throughout my life. However, I know now that the previous statement could not be any more true. Their enthusiasm was visible. Obvious. But now I realize that the influence that I have had on these kids cannot compare to the change in perspective that they have given me. How can I say that I am a victim? How can I complain about any situation that I may be in? How is that fair? I have been given everything. And they have nothing. I am privileged to be able to share my hope, my light, my enthusiasm, and the source of my smile with these children. I was able to not only share Jesus, but be Jesus to the kids of the snezhnoya orphanage. The love that was given today is not even comparable to that of any earthly parent. No. This love is one of the healer to the sick, the strength for the weak, and the father to the fatherless. Love and hope. This is where the smiles are from. Love and Hope. Hope in a light at the end of the tunnel. Love from the father to all. Hope in a God who created the whole earth. Hope in the God who created these children. Hope in Jesus Christ. I am able to share this hope! I am privileged to share this hope. I am called to share this hope. And for that, I am thankful.

Monday, September 13, 2010


it's the second day here in kyiv. things are going GREAT! i absolutely adore it here. at 1130 this morning my dad and i went to visit the YWAM base and drop off my bags. it is beautiful. i got a tour of the barge that i will be having classes in. it's actually pretty cool! although, i did learn that it used to be a hotel run by the mafia and, even, a brothel.
i was very excited to hear that i will not be the youngest (as i usually am) and the majority of the DTS students are close to my age. there are 15(or so) signed up. i am very much looking forward to it!
from what i am told, the YWAM staff are looking at flats for the students to stay in. i was told that the daily commute (via walking) will be approximately 25mins to the base. i will walk that twice a day. oi!

(the above photo is one of the car i made out of my kalbasa and bread. who says you cant play with your food!?)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Kyiv!

Praise God! My dad and I are here in Kyiv Ukraine, safe and happy. (Well, a little tired, but nonetheless, happy that we have made it!) The flight went very well, and I actually got some rest! As of this moment, we are waiting for the flat that we will stay in for 3 days, to become available. It should be available within the next two hours.

For the next three days we will be getting used to the time zone, taking it easy, and getting some housekeeping stuff done. On Monday morning, we should be meeting with the YWAM base leaders to drop off my luggage and get a feel for the area. Then it is off to Donetsk!

Friday, September 10, 2010


i am leaving tomorrow for ukraine. i will be gone for approximately 8 months. i thank everyone for their prayers and support! as of now, i could get on the 7am or the 930am flight to new york. from there i will be headed to Kyiv, Ukraine. i am going to miss everyone so much! my family has been such a big help and awesome support group for me! goodbye usa. i will be back. but for now, i am on my way to see what God has for me to do in Ukraine!