Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i'm not so good at coming up with catchy titles..

it's been a great day. today started VERY slowly, with some free time :). it was nice. i got some much needed rest. that was followed by a super successful visit to the raduga internat (orphanage). i will definitely miss those kids when i leave this beautiful city. i dont know what it is, but whether you know any of the children or not, leaving ANY orphanage is not an easy thing to do. it's incredibly difficult. as of now, i am settling down for the night, playing in photoshop (i'm a bit of a photography nerd), and enjoyng some quality time with my dad. he took me out to eat! at a place which translated to three fat guys, hahaha! it was awesome. i am also not feeling my absolute best. i have had a sore throat and some cold symptoms. it is not exactly ideal. but i can make it. all in all, this trip is, so far, amazingly productive. i am satisfied!

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