Sunday, September 12, 2010

In Kyiv!

Praise God! My dad and I are here in Kyiv Ukraine, safe and happy. (Well, a little tired, but nonetheless, happy that we have made it!) The flight went very well, and I actually got some rest! As of this moment, we are waiting for the flat that we will stay in for 3 days, to become available. It should be available within the next two hours.

For the next three days we will be getting used to the time zone, taking it easy, and getting some housekeeping stuff done. On Monday morning, we should be meeting with the YWAM base leaders to drop off my luggage and get a feel for the area. Then it is off to Donetsk!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are there safe and sound. It is still hard for me to believe you are not going to be walking in the door at any moment. As Meghan said.. It just hasn't sunk in yet. I am so proud of your faith and commitment to following God's call on your life right now. He will do awesome things through you! I Love you and I will miss you but I am confident of God in you! Hugs OOXX
